Global Warming and Climate Control

60 years ago, debates raged across the globe about whether or not the changes in the Earth’s climate were man-made or natural cycles of the Earth. Charts and maps were presented from both viewpoints to support the opposing claims. However, it soon became more and more obvious that there was an ominous trend of warming that was not consistent with the Earth’s natural perturbations. The warming trend, which originated from extended human activity, accelerated as industrialized countries pumped out more carbon dioxide, keeping the heat from escaping into space. This trend increased as human beings consumed more of the Earth’s resources and expelled more waste in the form of heat.

How do you convince a global population that action needs to be taken now? 60 years ago, this was not an easy task. Living in a world where these critical issues have been alleviated for the most part, we all agree and are thankful for all the great effort that was expended to save this beautiful gem, this beautiful blue home of ours.  

At first, scientific data alone was not enough to convince the general population that huge changes needed to be made to reduce the carbon footprint of all human activity. (This carbon footprint is a measure of emissions mostly of carbon dioxide and methane which are the key ingredients for global warming.)  It was not long before we started having extreme weather-related events for which there was no precedence. In Western Australia, temperatures soared above 43 degrees C (110 degrees F) then above 49 degrees C (120 degrees F), and, finally, above 54 degrees C (130 degrees F). Nothing on the surface of the ground could endure such heat. Humans and other creatures that survived burrowed into the ground.

On the other side of the globe, extreme weather events were also prevalent. A massive high-pressure system located off the western coast of North America that guided the jet stream into the Arctic, caused prolonged drought in the western part of the United States. It also caused severe arctic colds in the eastern part of the country. Since successive years resulted in more and more heat, this fueled the giant barrier and prevented life-giving rain. This also began turning a productive farm area feeding much of the country and part of the world into a desolate, barren, and bleak landscape. And the devastation continued. Large tornadoes (M5s, winds over 322km or 200mph) were usually seen rarely, but during this time the frequency increased from 5 a year (60 years ago) to 43 a year (50 years ago). Along with a higher frequency of tornadoes came category-five hurricanes with winds greater than 250km/hr or 155mph.

Even so, there were still a lot of skeptics who refused to believe that all of these weather extremes were related to human activity. During one of the many symposiums on climate change one of the leading speakers made this analogy.  You are driving along in a bus at night when someone receives a message on his phone that a bridge on the road ahead has collapsed. You relay the message to the bus driver, but he accepts it as a joke and pays no attention. Instead, he speeds up. How long will you allow him to continue driving towards the collapsed bridge? There will always be skeptics for everything. In the 1900’s there was still a group of devout “intelligent” people who asserted that the Earth was flat and after the first Moon landing there was a large group of naysayers who believed the event was staged on a movie set. If we allow the skeptics to stand in our way or slow us down, the Earth will pass a point of no return. Climate change will spiral out of control resulting in a planet uninhabitable as we now know it. Those kinds of words were daunting and they needed to be because they needed to wake up a sleeping population, which was still largely in denial that such a fate could await them.

At this time, approximately in the 2020 era, many possible solutions were proposed. Some were as simple as growing large areas of trees, natural air cleaners, and carbon dioxide absorbers. Another suggestion was to change legislation to heavily tax those businesses or individuals that wasted energy and generated excessive amounts of carbon dioxide and methane. This was the time when the German researcher and inventor Dr. Reinhart and his team proposed something radical that would cool the Earth. However, this extreme measure would only be successful if other critical steps were taken. Nations had to agree to drastically reduce their carbon footprint, which meant, in part, cutting their dependence on fossil fuels. This was made possible partially with solar cells achieving an efficiency that was three times higher than those manufactured in the 2010 era and nuclear reactors that did not require highly dangerous pressurized systems and could burn fuels plentiful on the planet. Also, population control had to be adopted. No matter what goals in agricultural advancement, climate control, or improvement in living standards were achieved, they would be voided within a few decades because the Earth’s human population would increase to take up any gains made, placing a continuous strain on every system and the ecology of the entire planet. It was painfully obvious that without population control no progress in food supplies, clean water, and environmental balance could be sustained; all ecological systems would be in continuous turmoil and stress.

Dr. Reinhart proposed a mask for the Earth to shield it from the sun. This was nothing new. Many had proposed this but his made sense and could be economically carried out with a sensible budget that many of the major countries considered manageable. The first major goal in the plan was the building of a Moon launching site. It would be far too costly to take the materials from Earth into orbit, but a space accelerometer would shoot the packages of raw materials from the moon to waiting manufacturing facilities that operated 24 hours a day to make a web structure. The structure consisted of beads no larger than the tip of a finger placed every one hundred meters (109 yards). These beads formed the smart nodes in a massive array of 10 kilometers (6.2 miles). The nano-computerized beads not only held perfect positioning in an array but also emitted a strong current. Once the array was in place, a film similar to a soap bubble followed. A manufacturing ship deposited the electrically charged film close to the beads and the magnetic fields of the beads pulled the film into a thin sheet in perfect alignment with the array, creating a polarized reflected surface that could be dialed in to allow more or less sunlight to cool selected sections of the planet. In every 100 kilometers, there was a substation, and a main station controlled every ten substations.

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